
Gerasimos is a male Greek name, which is commonly found on the island of Kefalonia or Cephalonia in the Ionian Sea.

Gerasimos derives from the Greek words geras (γερας), which means both “old” or “honour”. In general, Gerasimos is the honorable man.

male greek name gerasimos

Sound of name Gerasimos: Ge-rá-see-mos

Female Version of name Gerasimos: Gerasimoula

Nameday of Gerasimos: August 16th, October 20th and March 4th

Origin of name Gerasimos

Name Gerasimos refers to two different holy men in the Orthodox Calendar: St Gerasimos (August 16, October 20) and Blessed Gerasimos (March 4).

Agios Gerasimos – St Gerasimos

Agios Gerasimos (St Gerasimos) was a hermit who lived on the island of Kefalonia. Saint Gerasimos died on August 15 in the year 1579 AD, but because on this day Greeks celebrate the Assumption of Virgin Mary, his memory is honored on August 16th.

However, Agios Gerasimos is also honored on the 20th of October and there is a great feast in Cephalonia island every year on that day. Why is Agios Gerasimos’ memory honored on two different dates? Here is an interesting story:

Agios Gerasimos died on August 15 and he was buried in Kefalonia. However, his body remained miraculously intact. When on October 20, 1581 it was unearthed, the  patriarchal exarch Gabriel Severus decided to re-bury it. On the 20th of October 1582 it was recovered for the second time, again untouched by the ravages of time. This was thought to be a miracle, and thus the memory of St Gerasimos is also celebrated on 20th of October each year.

Osios Gerasimos – Blessed Gerasimos

The second man honored in the Orthodox Calendar is Osios Gerasimos (Blessed Gerasimos). Gerasimos was born of pious parents in Lycia, in the 7th century AD and he was raised as an Orthodox Christian.

Later, Gerasimos was swept to the heresy of the Monophysites. After serving this heresy for some time, an event changed his mind and heart. Once, when he visited Holy Efthymios, who was deeply aware of the Scriptures, Gerasimos listened with humble mind,  and managed  to recognize the orthodox truth.

As a character, Osios Gerasimos was very strict with himself. He ate and slept as much as he needed. He was saying that anyone who wants to live longer, needs less sleep. Not only because a lot of sleep makes people weak in body pains, and very vulnerable to disease, but also because life is mainly the amount of time we have consciousness.

Later, Blessed Gerasimos founded a communal brotherhood near the River Jordan, where all lived like one soul and one heart. His memory, and thus the nameday of Gerasimos, is celebrated on March 4th.

Nicknames deriving from name Gerasimos

Gerasimos has a few nicknames and diminutives. The most common ones are: Makis, Akis, Simos, Mikes, Mikis

The Names’ Fairy reveals the meaning of name Gerasimos

Gerasimos is ambitious and quite bossy. Does not occur easily. He often comes across difficulties in life.


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Greek Names